Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Australia ready to fund naval base on Manus Island

DISCUSSIONS are going on between Canberra and Port Moresby to upgrade the PNG Defence Force Lombrum naval base in Manus Island. Australian Defence Secretary Greg Moriarty said Australia would likely to shoulder most of the costs.

“We would take the lion’s share of the funding if discussions go well,” Moriarty said.

The Australian Government is expected to spend $40 million on Defence projects in PNG this financial year – 2018.

The Lombrum naval base was built by US forces in 1944, an 800 square-mile rock in the Bismarck Sea and they built wharves, a 900-foot runway and accommodation for tens of thousands of troops. It was a venue for trials of Japanese war criminals.

Foreign media reports PNG Island touted as potential base for US and Australia warships.

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