Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Activist lawyer exile in PNG makes to the final for human rights award

A female lawyer and human rights activist from Turkey Ms Eren Keskin now a refugee in Manus Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG) was shortlisted for the finals into the 2019 Martin Ennals Human Rights Award.

Ten (10) leading human rights organizations around the world have chosen Eren Keskin together with two (2) others from Colombia and Sudan respectively, who are also refugees in Manus, PNG for being human rights defenders.

Keskin was imprisoned in August 2016 as part of a national sweep one month after an attempted coup against the President of Turkey. She was the editor-in-chief of a newspaper that dealt with Kurdish issues. She was held responsible for many of the published articles and was given a 12-one-half-year sentence which is currently under appeal.

Keskin has worked on women’s issues – everything from sexual assault in prison (created an organization), on LGBTI issues, Kurdish issues and Armenian genocide. These four issues have been her priorities since 1996.

The award honors Martin Ennals, Amnesty International’s secretary-general from 1968 to 1980. - Via Garamut News.


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