Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The new Prime Minister could be Sam Basil or James Marabe.

A change of Prime Ministership is imminent due to high profile resignation of cabinet ministers and open expression of disgruntedness by resource owner government backbenchers. 

We were too human to jump to conclusions and judge Sam Basil's actions in taking his Pangu faction into government after being O'niel's number 1 enemy. O'niel maybe foolish enough to see this one coming so he totally believed Basil and accomodated him.

Now that more than half of ruling PNC members have withdrawn support for Peter O'niel and wanted to see change.

Prime Minister seat can only remain with PNC,(; James Marape being best candidate) if a change of party leadership at PNC done before May 5th.

If no leadership change is seen within PNC into VONC day, Sam Basil is ideal candidate for PM seat . Marape and other defecting PNC members can settle for Deputy PM and some Ministeries while NA , a bigger coalition partner from opposition can be accommodated senior economic Ministries.

24 Opposition members gave their word already that none from them wants to be PM.
That leaves the PM seat between PNC (James Marape & Pangu Sam Basil).

The current numbers estimations are:
1. Opposition 24 +
2. PNC defections 25 +
3. Pangu 16
4. Smaller parties 8
= 73 (estimates)
Let's count down from now to May 5th.
God bless PNG.👋😊

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