Thursday, December 27, 2018

Northern Governor Gary Juffa wants PNG Govt to raise concern over West Papua

Northern Governor Gary Juffa has demanded that the Government voice concern about recent acts of brutal suppression against Melanesians across the border in West Papua.
He was referring to a recent alleged incident where villages were allegedly bombed by the Indonesian military using restricted chemical weapons.

Several West Papuan Melanesians are said to have been killed.
Juffa said the Government needed to ask the United Nations and the UN Security Council to investigate allegations of the alleged bombing of West Papuan villages by the Indonesian military on December 15 using white phosphorous.

This is a chemical restricted and banned for use in incendiary weapons by international conventions.

Juffa said there were serious reports coming out of West Papua’s Nduga region that pointed fingers to the unlawful use of white phosphorous by the Indonesian military on villagers.
He said the attack was in retaliation to an attack on Indonesian military by the villagers after the flag-raising ceremony marking the date of independence on December 1.
Juffa said every Melanesian nation and leader should condemn the acts of violence by the Indonesian military.

He urged the world community and international entities to take necessary action.
Juffa rebuked international aid agencies for rushing to the aid of victims of the recent tsunami in Indonesia, “but is simultaneously choosing to remain silent on the issue of West Papua, whereby hundreds of thousands have died since 1969”.

Source: The National newspaper

1 comment:

  1. Agree, Shame on us and our Government (GOPNG) for remaining silent on this terrible atrocities .
