Thursday, December 27, 2018

A villager's success story can be used as a model for PNG villages

In Modern Business you need to have assets,capital (finance),human resources(mind and helping hand) and great/innovative idea to succeed.We have been customarily trained to seek them out in the urban centres at huge costs.

We tend to forget that all those are found FREE right in the doorsteps of our own Villages in PNG. Abundant free arable and fertile farm land,communal village manpower in abundance,Free Gods rain and Sun, free rain-forests, flora and fauna.Why search and reaching out for the initial CASH to start up a VILLAGE BUSINESS? Unnecessary!

Look at our JIWAKA mans story at page 37 of the National Newspaper yesterday (Thursday 27th December). Thompson Gurr is a practicing agriculturalists in his village in the Jiwaka Province.He is now able to show us the virtues of working and tilling our own land! In two seasons he had made a total of K40 grands in the Watermelon business.He has developed the niche for business and is now seeking out to expand his business into a larger farming.

Thompson no doubt will succeed with improved cash-flow! Given time and a market,his business will thrive and prosper.The ripple effect is this;

1) many of the village people will be employed
to work on the business and earn an income
2)other bidding small business minded individuals will emulate and undertake similar
or other business activities.More village members would get involved and give their helping hand to help grow the businesses
3) The entire village will get involved in cultivating their FREE land into business activities and income! Law and Order issues may be diminished.Peace and order may be the order of the village in the long term and sustainable.
4)Government can ably deliver other necessary social services(schools,health,road infrastructure and transport,electricity,water,sanitation,internet/digital and other services) to benefit all communities.

Thompson didn't start off his business with borrowed money because it was unnecessary.All the essentials for a business undertaking were readily available in the village and he utilized all of them well to start up a small successful PNG VILLAGE BUSINESS!

The answer is a resounding YES! First we need to have role models like Thompson in every single village in PNG. Self motivated and enterprising business minded individuals like Thompson can be used to identify,nurture and develop many others in other neighbouring villages where there is none.Government can empower this process in the following way in a well coordinated and supervised manner to minimize wastage of resources;

1) all current working class (educated individuals) from ALL villages in PNG will be required by their employment contracts to assist transform their villages by encouraging village entrepreneurial skills and businesses.The Government can undertake oversight by empowering the educated elites from both the public and private sectors who will be obliged to undertake this voluntary work on weekends and extended holidays.Any Government assistance can be guided through the working class individuals who can be made to account through their respective employers and the village leadership(which is often powerful with the element of shame involved in punishing misbehaviour)

2) The Government must create both domestic and international markets to sustain any large scale VILLAGE focused businesses in PNG (involving over 15,000 villages).The challenge is to find a substantial international consumer market.

3) If approximately 1.5 million small village based businesses are created in PNG by this process(at 100 different businesses per village),the country will meaningfully transform forever.The people would now be able to empower themselves financially/ economically and free up the Government to focus on social and other development service deliveries(not to mention the substantial income tax contributions by the village based 1.5 million businesses which can run into several billions)


The Government is currently creating so many unnecessary overlapping Institutions of all kinds to address the issues of developing rural PNG. None of them are working effectively with all annual funding drying up before reaching the recipients resulting in lack of progresses at all levels.

The answer lies in using each village's own educated working class elites(in both public and private sectors) to undertake the process of empowering every single PNG village with the private employers and Governments effective OVERSIGHTS! This approach will be cost effective and will prevent unnecessary wastage!

Source: Paul Paraka - Facebook.

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