Monday, January 14, 2019

Don't believe in 'Vote of No Confidence', prepare for 2022 if you wanted to change the Govt - Garry Guffa

Commentary by Hon. Gary Juffa - Oro Governor 

I see much written on social media about the Vote of No Confidence and there is much expressed on social media.

There are two opinions that can emerge from the numerous expressions.

One group are for it. The other against.

The group for it seem most loud. The group against are just as aggressive but do not seem to have the majority support of the inhabitants of PNGs social media.

Remember though, what is on social media is not necessarily indicative of how the people of this nation actually think and feel. That is a subject as slippery as the popular tinned-fish fed eels of New Ireland.

The fact is, there are two possible options for throwing out a Government.

By popular uprising against such a Government by majority of the politicians in parliament or via popular uprising by their voters.

In either case it all comes down to one thing: discomfort.

Who is sufficiently discomforted by this Government to bring this about? In regards to the politicians, the majority are in Government and they appear to be MOST sufficiently comfortable or lets say that their level of discomfort is within their range of tolerance. 

Many have acquired a lifestyle that can be funded by their membership in this Government. These are personal responsibilities which upon their own self consideration, unfortunately (for the people) outweigh their responsibilities to their people.

In regards to the people, who are a most tolerant people, their level of discomfort is not yet sufficient for them to rise up and overthrow this Government. They have the wantok system that adequately caters for one and all. Everyone has a roof and some coins for bus fare and of course can return to their land and farm. Some one takes care of everyone it seems.

Now lets look at the politicians in parliament, those who are plugged into the system,m especially, many are but sheep. There is very little to discuss when we consider sheep. They are mere followers. Not leaders. Let us not expect much of them. 

They follow the shepherd, their Government who feeds them and provides for their needs, especially the needs recently acquired, after elections perks and privileges.

Here is the question we need to ask...Who does the Shepherd work for?

The Shepherd works for whoever pays for their services.

Immediately many will assume "of course the people".


Because they voted?

Come on.

How much did the people pay exactly? Their vote? They hardly know the value of that. In fact many throw that away for lambflaps and beer.

Those who own the Chief Shepherd and his troup of shepherds are those who finance the shepherds movements and feed him and give him the title he seeks and the power over the sheep.

This is an arrangement of three parties. One party seeks political office - usually for self interest. Another expects their rights and resources to be promoted and protected. Another expects to be paid their dues for empowering the elected party and their payout will the very resources that the second party expects will be protected. So who owns them?

Cartels. Cartels who own shares. And there are not a few. A giant conglomerate.

That is who own the Shepherds. Not the people. The people may as well believe they own paradise. Cartels who have carved out much of their stake in the land you have run about beating your chest claiming to be a "landowner" over. They own the rights to your timber, fish, oil, gas, minerals and just about everything else that has some significant worth. They hardly pay taxes. You will be paying the taxes they don't pay. 

They need their money to build their empires and some to pay your Shepherd to herd you about so you can barely eat grass. As for the cartels they are building these giant machines, companies, empires whatever you want to call them...Do not are part of it and your children will slave for them for years to come and wave your flag on the 16th September and sing about independence.

As is usual, many will clamor for saviors and demand that someone rise up to show them the way. This is tremendously intriguing if you think about it. Adults demanding to know what to do to save their children's future! You made them! Surely you must know what to do! What can we do? Who will save us? Why is this happening? 

It’s easy! Act now and remove the tyrants making your life miserable or if you are fine with that, leave them be until 2022!

But its not unusual no one acts. It is to be expected in the land of the unexpected actually. You see, everyone wants to turn up to the feast but not everyone wants to do the hard work. We apply this principal throughout much of our life.

 Why should politics be different? So it shall be that sheeple will seek other shepherds but not seeing any they will merely feed on their grass and bleat here and there and follow the shepherd they know already while hoping and wondering as to who will save them.

My thoughts only don't develop stomach ulcers over it. Form yours. If you have the solutions to this nation's problems, 2022 is around the corner. Raise funds or find a cartel and run and good luck.


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