Monday, January 14, 2019

Oro Governor supports the proposed WAFI GOLPU Mining Project shut down

by Garry Guffa 
Oro Governor 

I totally applaud the actions of landowners of the proposed WAFI GOLPU Mining Project who have shut down the project.

Landowners, the Government is acting not as YOUR Government but as a pimp willing to pimp its own people out for the benefit of who knows who!

They did not do the right thing by keeping you and your Provincial Government in the dark. They did this deliberately to ensure you could not have a seat at the bargaining table! You were left out of your own land! How can you watch in the cold and dark whilst they feast on your food in your house?

My dear landowners, you are totally in the RIGHT.

As for the politicians and Ministers responsible, SHAME ON YOU FOR BEING SELL OUTS. But its no surprise. No surprise at all.

In Wafi Golpu just like the failed seabed mining scam, the illegal SABL scams that remain unattended to, we once more see examples of how this Government FAILS to protect and promote PNG interests.

It is clear from this ACTION that this Government is NOT the Government of the people of WAFI GOLPU. It is hardly the Government of the people of PNG!

It is the Government of whoever comes along with some ridiculous scam to steal resources! It is NO different from the days when huge tracts of land were cleverly obtained for blocks of soap, beads and steel axes from our ancestors by cunning colonialists, pirates and others of their ilk.

Nothing has changed! In fact, they went on from salt and steel axes to construct their laws to bring sophistication to their theft of resources. Amazingly, LAWS still exist! Its why PNG shall NEVER truly benefit form the resource exploitation projects in this country.

The LAWS governing resource developments and sharing are THEIR LAWS.

Yes that's right, shock, horror! They are NOT OUR LAWS.

To benefit PNG and landowners, the laws must be changed and be OUR LAWS.

If you doubt this look at this historic FACT: We lost 20,000 of our people in Bougainvillie and are now staring a the fact that AROB may leave us and for good reason: the Government then as now failed to protect their interest and chose instead to side with the developer!

Landowners nationwide MUST stand together. DEMAND the laws be changed! Its what some of us have been advocating since taking office! Remove the mercenaries and puppets and muppets that sell us out and put in place those true sons and daughters of yours to CHANGE THESE LAWS.

That is the first true step towards owning your economy.

Once the laws are changed, we must develop the mechanisms to develop our resources in country. That is true independence and once that has happened we can comfortably state that we are in the drivers seat of our nation and own our economy and thus the right to design and construct our future.

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