Friday, December 28, 2018

Long live the Great President of China Xi Jinping - Greetings from Papua New Guinea

The great President of China Xi Jinping treats countries whether big or small, poor or rich, corrupt or not, equally and fairly with dignity and respect while the US President Donald Trump skips the PNG APEC meeting instead sends his Vice President Mark Pence who is even based out of Port Moresby in Cairns in Australia.

Long live the Great President of China. You truly deserve to be a world leader. Arriving ahead of other world leaders for 2 days State visit and staying another 2 days for the APEC meeting in PNG truly defeats the often unfair Western Media propaganda about our beautiful country as high risk, improvised and unsafe country to visit and invest in.

You are truly a great leader.

We love you Xi Jinping. Welcome to PNG!

Source: Lucas Kiap, Facebook/PNG.

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