Tuesday, December 25, 2018

New Ireland hails successful growth with agricultural development

Three experienced agriculture development specialists have just completed field work for a study of agricultural possibilities on New Ireland.
The intention of the exercise was to identify the untapped potential for village agricultural development.

Production and sale of agricultural products offers the chance for many villagers to participate in the cash economy and enjoy the benefits that arise from this.
Announcing this, Shadow Treasurer and MP for Kavieng Ian Ling-Stuckey said the study was done for Kavieng and Namatanai electorates.

“My response to the disappointing 2019 budget included practical suggestions for getting growth going again in PNG in ways that truly benefitted our people,” he said.
He said the experienced agricultural development specialists targeted the untapped potential for village agricultural development, production and sales and participation in the cash economy.

He said they covered Tikana, Lovongai, Central and Namatanai LLG areas including New Hanover and Tabar islands, Panamecho, Lelet and Danmirik. They also had discussions with catering and community engagement staff from Lihir and Simberi gold mines, representatives from the World Bank, the market development facility, the PHAMA market access program, KIK, NPOL and PPAP, UNDP and ACIAR cocoa projects, Kavieng agri-business managers from Poliamba Oil Palm, Bisi Trading and Emirau Marine Products, as well as himself and the MP for Namatanai, Walter Schnaubelt.

The agriculture team identified improvements for both subsistence food production and cash crops, such as pathogen-tested sweet potato, improved varieties, agronomy and scheduling of fresh produce for formal markets, and introduction of clonal cocoa varieties combined with improved management practices. Training in food production and basic nutrition at high schools, as well as village agriculture will also be recommended. Cash crops examined included cocoa, fresh food, oil palm, coconut products, galip, vanilla, betel nut and balsa. Information was gathered to prepare business plans for each possible cash crop.

“I am pleased that this expert team, in consultation with our people, consider that some of the proposed activities could be commenced early in 2019 as there is sufficient information and expertise in PNG to start these soon,” he said.

“As I said in my budget response rather than planning a massive agriculture subsidy to besties, a subsidised cow herd or plans to bring tens of thousands of foreign workers to grow rice, I am starting with some very specific possibilities to improve agriculture. The aim is to both lift growth, but equally importantly, the plan is to raise the level of nutrition in my district.

“This agriculture mission and their recommendations are the type of practical, evidence-based steps that could be expected from a new coalition government which we hope will be formed early in 2019.”

Source: Post Courier newspaper.

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